Infinite leverage.

When you work for someone else, time is your only leverage.

And, it’s hard to get ahead when selling your time as there’s a limit to how much one person can do. This is especially true when you realize the only reward for working smarter and accomplishing more in less time is, in fact, more work. Whoever bought your time wants to get as much out of it as possible while paying you the least you’ll accept.

It’s an endless race you can’t win.

This is why we need more leverage than just our time. Now, there are other types of leverage like labor, tools, and automation, but along with time, capital is the other main form of leverage. And really, capital is the ultimate form of leverage as it allows you to buy those other things like labor, tools, and automation, essentially buying time, which can multiply your output.

But our goal in increasing our leverage shouldn’t be to increase our output. Instead, we should want to do more with our time so we don’t have to work all of the time.

Lucky for us, we now live in an age of infinite leverage where this is possible.

Instead of trading our time to acquire capital or taking on outsized risk with loaned capital, this new form of leverage doesn’t require permission from anyone else and costs basically nothing.

If you haven’t guessed already, I’m talking about the internet.

Things like blogs, podcasts, and youtube channels specifically.

These mediums and platforms allow you to do things you once needed permission and capital to start but now can set up in an afternoon on your own. 

But it’s not just that these are now cheap to produce. No, it’s that they give you infinite leverage. When you write a blog post, record a podcast, or upload a YouTube video, you create something with incredible potential. Instead of doing something that is 1-to-1, these are 1-to-many.

Your article, podcast, and video can be read, listened to, or watched an infinite number of times. Instead of getting out what you put in, the output of your effort extends way beyond the moment you created it. Your content is available to anyone, at any time, without you having to do anything more. These platforms will actively promote your work as their main objective is to share useful content with their users. You creating content ultimately benefits both them and you.

And not only do each of these mediums work on their own. They can also be stacked and become leverage for each other where the success of one creates the opportunity for another. Infinite leverage is built with compounding assets.

That said, there’s one thing you have to be aware of if this is how you want to get away from trading your time for money.

When we start, and for a while in the beginning, we’ll be investing our time and getting no money. That’s the paradox of infinite leverage. It’s a slow burn fueled by delayed gratification. But if you commit to seeing things through, the right things will build over time until one day they pay off way more than you ever realized possible.

So start right now. Or, you’ll have to wait even longer.


Fake productivity.


Play your own game.